This is the main cathedral in Guatemala City. "Gaute" as is it called, is a very polluted city much like Panama or Mexico City. 2# Antigua, the old capital of Guatemala has at least 15 churches knocked down by earthquakes. 3# "Chicken" bus which I took from Guatemala city to Antigua for $4.30. 4# & 5# Stews and tortillas are the big draw. Tortillas are smaller and thicker that Mexican ones. 6# Another ruin 7# Volcano. There are 3 huge volcanoes you can see from Antigua. 8, 9 10# Chichicastenango famed for its Mayan mega market, "Chichi" is a mountain town lost in time. 11# Another church. 12# Honduran parrot from Copan. 13-15# Copan, Honduras, hugh Mayan city. 16# I went to a bird sanctuary near the ruins and the guides thought this would make an amusing photo. 17# Major cathedral in Antigua. 18-20# I got lucky. This was the Antigua annual holiday. 21# More ruins. 22# Mayan market woman. 23-24# Tikla. 25 Pacaya volcano. Brought back some lava. I hope the gods are not angry with me. 26-27# Tikal, the ancient Mayan city 400 BC to 900 AD. Over 4,000 buildings most of them cover in jungles. Amazing! 28# Antigua 29-30# Tika |